
Travel Destination - Athens- Greece

Athens is said to be a shelter home of and culture including pop, street, photo-kinetic art, social sculpture, minimalism, realism, Dadaism, surrealism, expressionism and impressionism. Both -loving enthusiasts and ists find Athens as their second home. This is the place where you can find deep connection amidst various events and science and theory of. Lots and lots of most experimental and innovative artistic trends are presented in National Museum of Contemporary and various other cultural venues. When you hire a mini bus Athens for a long road journey, don't forget to visit these places for exhibitions.
Art Galleries in Athens
Athens is the shelter of over 70 galleries. Besides exhibitions of at collections in museums, most new and infamous Greek artists are presented by the galleries for the public and lovers. In the city centre, you can find many galleries. You can hire a minibus Athens and head to Psirri, Syntagma, Kolonaki, Makriyianni, Kerameikos and Thisseion for exploring various Greek modern creations. Athens is also a home to ideas and imaginations in sculpture, painting, photography and video.
Street Art
Being an open antiquity museum, Athens is a house of modern to amaze everyone on the way. You can find the signs of contemporary in squares, parks and junctions of Greece. Like their ancestors did, artists are also cherishing contemporary on the streets. In every park, streets, square and suburb of the city, anyone can see the sculptures created by modern artists.
Folk Art
The traditional folk art remains always thriving and alive in Athens. At every commercial and historical centre, you can take back various ceramics, jewelry and silver souvenirs to your home. These markets are built with endless taste and love, whatever tourists and visitors explore and buy here. Here you can witness the amazing craftsmanship in leather sandals and Viennese rattan. All in all, Athens is a home to art that goes from one generation to another in the form of family heritage.
Athens is the living epitome of Greek heritage with having modern and traditional art. In Athens, there is no lack of tourist attractions where you can enjoy. It has something to offer everyone. With having street foods, modern art and night life, Athens really amazes the visitors and tourists. If you hire a car from airport, make sure to have necessary documents aside. Athens is also a home to ideas and imaginations in sculpture, painting, photography and video.

About the Author

Visit voyagerhellas.com to hire a minibus Athens.

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